Thursday, February 25, 2010
It's Summer Once Again
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Women Around the World
The next woman shown was from Dubai, and then Rio de Janeiro. I have to look for that episode on Youtube.
It's always an eye-opener to learn how different we live from other people in other parts of the world - that we are just one small speck in this world. Amazing! I wish I would get to visit these places some day and see for myself.
EDIT: Okay, I just found the episode on youtube. I have to watch it completely from the start. Here, watch it too.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Planning a Trip
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Our Valentine's Day - Now and Then
After work on Saturday, Joema and I went to my folks' house and spent the night there. My father gave me twelve peach roses. :) And then on the next day, V-day, we spent it at home, too. We didn't want to go out because too many people will be out and having lunch or dinner so we stayed home instead. Went to the market with my mother to buy shrimp, and we feasted on them during lunch. We had siesta afterwards - after eating so much, the next best thing to do is take a nap hahaha! Then before they took us home, we went to buy groceries. Not really a romantic way to spend Valentine's day hehehe. Although, we did attend mass celebrated by the priest who married us, Fr. Caloy. And then after the mass, the church had renewal of vows for all the married couples so we went in front of the church and renewed our vows with all the other couples and in front of all those people heehee. That's probably the highlight our day. :)
Yesterday marked 10 years of our relationship. We've been together and in love for 10 years! I remember telling myself not make sagot Joema on Valentine's day back then because I didn't want to spend "the day" with a boyfriend. Although we still ended up spending the day together. I gave him a card telling him how special he is to me. He was so shy because he didn't get me anything. But he said he was really planning to give me flowers the day after Valentine's day because he didn't want to do it with all the other guys, that it would be too conventional. I promised him I will act surprised when he give me the flowers the next day hahaha! So I guess that's how we started celebrating Valentine's day so unromantically. That was our first unofficial Valentine's day. He officially became my boyfriend two days after Valentine's day, ten years ago!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Baby You can Drive my Car
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
10 Things that Make Me Happy
1. strangers who greet you good morning - nothing beats a sincere "good morning" from total strangers, especially when I feel that I've woken up from the wrong side of the bed. It makes me smile when I come into the office and security guards or janitors greet me a "good morning, ma'am."
2. cartoons - I love Family Guy and American Dad!
3. comedy series - The Big Bang Theory is now my fave and I watch it every Tuesday on Jack TV. Or I just pop an old Friends DVD in the player and it still makes me laugh.
4. ice cream - other people don't feel like eating when they're depressed, I'm the total opposite. I binge eat when I'm depressed. Caramel sundae from Mcdo and gelato from Amici are the top two on my list.
5. SALE - I just love those red big signs, even if I won't buy anything from the store, I still go inside hahaha!
6. bed and pillows - don't you just love to curl up in bed and just sleep in when you're feeling lousy?
7. dogs - I can't help but smile when I see a dog, they're so cute! Gosh I miss our chowchow, Mini !
8. blogs - my day, or atleast on days when I'm infront of my PC, won't be complete without going through my list of blog. Must be the chismosa in me, that's why I check other people's blogs for their updates hahaha!
9. wedding photos - not just our wedding photos, even wedding photos of other people. So much love captured in that single object.
10. travel - I love everything about it. It gives me a certain high, that I only experience when I travel - from researching on the place, booking the flights and hotels, packing our things, checking in at the airport, to getting lost in the city where we're at.
So with that, we're ending this week with something that will make us happy. We are going on a trip and we're staying here.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Penny's Baby Shower

After dinner, we all "agreed" to have coffee/desserts. Penny didn't know that Janice and Steve, together with Al, already prepared the place where we had the shower - at Sol Gelato. Janice's excuse was to meet Al at the parking because he came late while Steve said he was going to call Rhea who was out of town and couldn't join us. The managers/owners of Sol Gelato was so gracious to let us have our baby shower there. Janice and Al actually went there last week to scout for a place where we could have the shower. So anyways, while walking along the walkway outside Sol Gelato, Penny saw the banner inside (the store has glass walls) and she thought "Uy, we have the same name" and when she saw the pictures she thought that she looked like "that girl" only to realize that we were throwing her a surprise baby shower hahaha!

The mommy-to-be after she has settled down

Even if we had a small space, we were able to play games. I was in charge of the games so I researched on new ones. I didn't want to have the same games as we had with Janice's baby shower so I googled for baby shower games and found this site. The first game we played was "How Well Do You Know Mommy-to-be". Here's Janice writing her answers.

She and Charline won that game. They got 7 out 10 answers correctly. And apparently, the baby will only get 3 characteristics from Daddy Pao - as Penny answered the game haha! The next game was "Finish the Baby Rhyme." Mands and Steve gave hilarious answers. Like for "Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her ________________ and whey." They both answered "breakfast"! And then for "Old Mother Hubbard, went to the _______________", Mands answered "farm" while Steve gave the answer "farmer." They were looking at each others answers and I told them not to cheat!
Laughing at their answers

Al won this game - he got all the right answers! The next game we played was "Place the Baby on the Mommy." Here's Penny after the game. Steve cheated and won this game hahaha!

Mands then won the "Guess the Baby pictures" game. Only, I printed out baby pictures of celebrities and I think he got 4 out of the 5 celebrities hahaha. EVeryone at the edge of their seats trying to guess the celebrity.

And then it was time for Penny to open the gifts. But of course it's not only her who was excited to open the gifts, we were excited too because we played "Baby Bingo."
Penny with Pao opening gifts for "Pablo", though it's not yet final.

The paraphernalia we used for the games...see the bingo cards? I'm one of the winners by the way hehe, though that's not my bingo card.

Us girls

Group pic outside Sol Gelato

I Turned 30
Joema wasn't able to file for a leave on Thursday so our celebration was extended up to the next day. He bought me cake and gave me my present.
So cool! I so love love love my present!! It's a travel case from Hellolulu. My husband knows me so well!Saturday night was spent with friends. Had dinner, Rock Band and poker at Tric and Heyl's place.
You know you're getting older when you enjoy surfing the net looking for houses for sale hahaha. Because that's what we did after playing. When did all the time go? We used to just think about exams and boys, but now we're thinking about where to live and buy our home. Our friends T and E showed us the house they were planning to buy. We hope they do buy it, poker night every weekend hahaha!
And then on Sunday, we had lunch with my parents and brother. Sorry no pictures. Was too busy eating hahaha! Another celebration was with my flyfish friends but that should be another blogpost (coz it was just disquised as our celebration but it was a party for a totally different person hehe). All in all, I celebrated my birthday with the people I love - with my husband, my family and friends. Turning 30 wasn't that bad.
Friday, February 05, 2010
Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
Hihi my husband will kill me if he knew I've blogged about this. But his text made my day. :-) Just a little background: the other night we were able to catch Forrest Gump on HBO but we weren't able to finish it. While watching it, my husband were asking a bunch of questions and I'm like "Didn't you ever watch Forresst Gump?" I think I've watched it a couple of times or I really loved it back then because I still remember the movie. And I don't really remember much about movies I've watched years ago, unless for the two conditions I've mentioned. While my husband on the other hand, if he has watched the movie, he will definitely remember much about it. So yes, I gave him that look "Duh? This is like an Oscar favorite and this was shown in local cinemas for months". And he says to me that he hasn't really watched the movie completely because he knows it's a tear-jerker but I tell him it's a movie where you cry because you get inspired not just because it's really heavy, hard-to-carry-in-your-chest-after-watching-it drama. After you've cried your eyes out, you feel inspired and wonderful. So I was really happy he decided to watch it..coz you really never know what you're gonna get hehehe.
A Love Letter to the Father of My Children
Dear Honey, Yesterday was Father's Day but I don't think any celebration is enough to celebrate how good a father you are to our k...

As mentioned in my earlier post, we wanted to go to Carter’s to buy clothes for our baby girl. But instead of going there with Joema, I went...
In my last post, I've mentioned that we don't have an OB yet and that we were scheduled to visit one. So yesterday morning, Saturday...
Finally, after four races Ferrari garnered three points via Kimi Raikkonen's 6th place in the Bahrain Grand Prix. Too bad, Massa still h...