We're down with the entrance tests for two out of the three schools we've submitted our applications to. The first scheduled entrance test was at the third school. It was last 17 March at 1:30pm. Since it was a Tuesday and our car was coding, I told Joema I'll bring Miya to school and we'll ride Uber. Plus when they scheduled us for the test and I asked if it's the same day of the interview, they said that the interviewer might not be available on the same date so we decided Joema doesn't need to be there for the test. I left the office at around 11am and arrived home at 11:45 to pick-up Miya. We arrived at the school a few minutes after 12noon. Miya still had school last week but fortunately they were just doing rehearsals for their graduation and on that day the rehearsal was scheduled in the morning. So after school, she still had enough time to have lunch at home before I picked her up. On the way to the third school I told her that a teacher will get her and take her somewhere where the assessment will take place. I called it assessment because that's what they call it in school. I also quizzed her on spelling her name. She doesn't remember the spelling of her second name so I told her if she's asked to write her name, she only has to write her first name, middle initial and surname, no need to write her full name hehe. Since we were early and had time to kill, Miya played at the play area first.

Can you see her? |
We went inside the office after a few minutes and looked at the yearbooks instead. Two little girls came in and borrowed the yearbook we were looking at.
Miya: Mommy, if I go to school here is that what I'll wear?
Me: Yes, anak. Do you like it?
Miya: Yes.
Whew! I thought she wouldn't like the uniform because her favorite color is pink and the uniform is not color pink.
She found crayons inside the office so I let her draw to while away the time. By around 1pm, two more little girls arrived for the exam. One little girl was only three years old but she was bigger than Miya. Her mom would ask her to count things, and identify the princesses' posters inside the office. A few minutes after 1pm I got hungry so I ate the packed sandwich I had. While eating the examiner started calling out the kids scheduled for the test. So when she called her name, I instantly gave Miya her bag and handed her to the lady. We didn't have time to say goodbye to each other, I didn't even tell her good luck or I love you. At the same time, hindi na rin nya ko nilingon when the lady took her. Haaay..she's a big girl na talaga.

I was reading a Smart Parenting magazine while waiting for her. I don't think I even finished one article when she came out of the room with a teacher right behind her. So I asked, "O, why? What happened?" thinking that she wants me to go inside the room. And then the teacher said, "Interview na po tayo." Napasabi pa ko ng," Ay, ako na?" Ahahaha!
It wasn't actually an interview but more of the teacher orienting me on how the school is. She first asked me if we're already decided to enroll Miya at that school or we're still looking around. So I told her that we're applying to different schools and haven't decided where to enroll Miya. She mentioned that Miya told her about her current school and about Javi. It didn't occur to me at that time that she also interviewed Miya. It was only later that evening when I was trying to process our conversation that I realized she interviewed Miya because Miya told her things. I thought initially that Miya told her those things while taking the test but then again when I asked her when the result of the test will be released she said that she was not the one in charge of the test, she was just asked to do the interview. So Miya wouldn't have told her those things during the test but during a one-on-one interview. By the way, the test was done one-on-one too. So anyways, at the end of the interview she gave me a pink slip of paper and told me that the reservation fee is P5,000 in case we decide to put Miya to that school. I asked again when the test result will be released and she told me I could just ask outside. So when we got outside, I asked the receptionist regarding the result. She said she doesn't know and we'll ask the examiner (the first lady who took Miya inside the room). And when she went out to pick another student, I asked her "Kelan po lalabas yung result for the test?". She looked at Miya and said, "Ay, yan? Naku perfect yan, diretso na kayo sa registrar." Woah! Miya got a perfect score in her entrance exam! Amazing! I was so happy and proud of her and I told her so. After leaving the office, we went to the classrooms and looked around. I liked the lay out of the classrooms. It had three big tables with 4 to 5 chairs each table and then a bigger part of the classroom is open space. They also have a big TV inside. Miya was allowed by the teacher to go inside the classroom. Anyway, I saw from the classroom's door that they were offering a summer enrichment program so we had to go back inside the office to inquire. After all that we went to the registra's office. I was expecting that they'll give me a deadline to pay the reservation fee. Unfortunately, the deadline the lady gave me was the deadline for enrollment which was on the 31st of March. So we only have a few days left to decide. One of schools we applied for has scheduled us for test and interview on 13 April! I don't know what we'll do. As of writing, we still haven't decided yet. I took already took note of possible school bus for her.
While waiting for our Uber ride, we called Joema to tell him the good news. He was very happy. He asked Miya what were the items in the test but Miya didn't want to answer hahaha. When the car picked us up, I asked her again. She said that the teacher asked her to use a specific color and she got the right one from her box and so on. She also said she was asked about the sounds of the letters. I asked if she added and subtracted numbers, she said yes. I asked if she identified shapes, she said no.
When we got home Miya only had a few hours to rest and then she was off again to a classmate's birthday party. It was a very hectic day for my little girl.