Right at the entrance we saw this monkey being fed by a zoo personnel. Shy sa camera hehehe but see that picture beside him, that's him!
We watched the feeding of tapir...
white tiger...
pygmy hippo...
and orang utans. You can pay SGD5.00 to have your picture with the orang utans taken by a professional photographer...
..but we were so near them we didn't need to shell out 5bucks.
They had an elephant show...
...before the feeding. Those people behind me paid SGD5.00 for the fruit basket that will be fed to the elephants. That way they can feed the elephants themselves.
We went to their Australian Outback and was able to touch a kangaroo.
I was so amused by their rest station -- aircon itu! -- we had to stop and take a picture and also to rest :)
Aside from hamadryas baboon (their butts are so red...the redder their butt the hotter they get hahaha! The red butts signify that their ready to mate. The one with the most "maga" butt is the leader of the community) ...
we saw different kinds monkeys at the Primate Kingdom...
At the Reptile Garden there were crocodiles three times bigger than me..
The reticulated python is so huge and long...walang panama yung anaconda nila.
The komodo dragon can eat an entire cow . Sayang we weren't able to see the feeding. Pero siguro naman hindi baka ang pinapakin sa kanya don..kakatakot!
The giant tortoise is not moving. Or was it moving, but so slow that we can't see it? =P
The jaguar is sleeping. The difference between a jaguar and a leopard is that the spots of the jaguar has spots inside them. Spots inside the spots.
At Wild Africa, there was the giraffe (can you see him behind us?)...
...and the lion king behind us (can you see him?)
Polar bears are so huge. Look at me compared to them...
They have two polar bears at the zoo. One was walking around while the other one is resting. Sila Tamad at Masipag ahehehe
Th sunbear's back was itching he's using the log to scratch his back...so cute!
The camel was smelly. Maybe that's why Abi isn't smiling in this picture.
That's a rhinocerus..can't see his horn hidden from the plants. He was eating then.
There were a lot of other animals at the Singapore zoo. My blog will take longer to load if I post them all here so click here for all the pics. Eventhough we walked for 4 hours to see all the animals I enjoyed every minute of it. See from the pics that my smile didn't falter haha.
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