It wasn't just me who had an appointment with Kuya Ogie, Joy had her warts removed and then her mom had diamond peeling. After the visit to the derma, we were all feeling beautiful again. Joy had to bring her mom home first because we were going to watch Iron Man 2 that night. Well actually we just brought her mom to the shuttle service that will bring her home. And then we picked up Mek in Magallanes. By the time we were at Glorietta, Kyla was already starving and Joy had to have her coffee so we had a light snack at Starbucks. We were actually in Greenbelt around 5pm to buy the tickets but the only available screening that night was 12:30am. Good thing the 9:30pm screening at G4 was still available. After our snacks, we went to Teenzone because Joy wanted to buy something for Miguel. While going around, we found these cute tees. And Joy and I each got one Little Miss Fighting Maroon.

Photo from here
Kyla asked one for her too so Joy got one for her school as well. Mek got inggit so he got himself a shirt too with this print.
Unfortunately the only other shirt that's left is the one on display. I didn't want to get that for Joema because I thought the print looked a little faded already. Although Joy told me to buy it anyway because Joema will surely be envious. True enough when we showed him our shirts he was asking if I bought him one. So sorry, maybe next time.
We had dinner after our little shopping spree. Joema arrived just in time for dinner at -- wait for it -- T.G.I. Friday's haha! And then it was time for Iron Man 2. The cinema was jampacked! We were seated at rows 3 and four at the left most corner of the cinema. We were straining our neck to get a good look. Fortunately, the movie was so good our location inside the moviehouse didn't really bother us. Maybe, we should just watch it again.

I wanna get one of those tees for my son! Hahaha, alamo ba kami rin recently, we ate at a TGIFs. And buti ka pa you saw na Iron Man! I heard it's just as good, if even better, than the first movie!!!
Kaso for the boys walang "Little" yung print. Ay teka I'm not sure pala if they do have shirts for little boys hehe. Watch Iron Man na! I actually liked it better than the first one. And wait until the end of the credits ha..
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