We had dinner at Reyna's place (it's becoming our favorite go-to place!). She cooked pasta which I got the recipe. It was easy to do, just olive oil, garlic and basil! Yummy and healthy food always a good thing for a pregnant woman like me. Then we ordered pizza and risotto (because I wanted rice!) from Amici. I'm 7 weeks and 2 days in this picture.

The stories exchanged ranged from office disappointments to funny clients to lovelife to Hawaii's best breast surgeon hahaha! Talking to these girls made me grateful I'm employed where I work. They have some very stressful work and some of them don't have enough time for themselves. Two of them ended up just crying at work, not the sobbing kind but the can't-fight-back-the-tears-flowing-from-my-eyes kind. I guess, they were overwhelmed with so much work that needs to be done and seeing that they don't have enough time to finish all of them. I think out of the five girls there are only two of us who can live work on time. The other three are in the IT industry so I guess that explains it? I wish you all the best, girls! You all deserve it!
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