Anyways, we went back to my OB on Friday and saw the baby again! The OB showed us the baby's spine and he/she now looks like this.
I'm a little bit confused with how far along I am. If my OB based it on my last menstruation, I'm 13 weeks and 3 days pregnant when we visited her. But when we base it on the size of the baby when this ultrasound was taken, I'm 12 weeks and 5 days along. While my Preggy Me posts are based on my first ultrasound, so I was 12 weeks and 1 day pregnant that Friday OB visit. I'm still going to continue counting based on the latter to make it consistent.
The baby is okay and developing just fine. My OB prescribed pre-natal vitamins for me and continued my calcium tablets because I don't drink milk. She actually asked how many times I've drank milk, and I said once haha! She's okay with it as long as I drink my calcium tablets but my family and friends are always egging me to drink milk. Ugh!
And then my OB noted that I lost weight - about a pound. Which isn't exactly true because on my first visit, her assistant got my weight wrong. I was a pound overweight in the chart she made. So in truth I just didn't gain weight. Again my OB said this is okay because the baby grew even if I didn't gain extra pounds.
Wore this dress from Ukay Manila yesterday when we went to my godson's Christening. I'm 12 weeks and 2 days along in this photo.

Is that a baby bump I see or just puson?
I think bump! That dress is cuu-uuute. And haha to not drinking milk. But you're good at taking pills? Am not kasi eh! (Even when not pregnant). Though when I was preggers, I hated drinking milk too. Ironic becoz before getting knocked up, I was all about drinking milk All. the. Time.
I think bump! That dress is cuu-uuute. And haha to not drinking milk. But you're good at taking pills? Am not kasi eh! (Even when not pregnant). Though when I was preggers, I hated drinking milk too. Ironic becoz before getting knocked up, I was all about drinking milk All. the. Time.
Yes, I'm okay naman with my meds. Although there are times when I forget if I've already taken them tsk, tsk. Haven't mentioned pala that I'm getting forgetful nowadays.
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