10 October
My uber cute godson celebrated his birthday party with less fortunate kids at Avilon Zoo. It was such a great idea, Janice and Al!
We already had the car then but since Joema can't drive yet, we hitched a ride with Charline and Allan. The trek to the zoo from QC was still long as I remembered (we had our prenup pictorial there). Thankfully, it wasn't raining then so the rough roads a few kilometers before the zoo weren't as scary. We didn't really plan on going around the zoo so we went immediately to the pavilion to greet the birthday boy.

We went to the see the arapaimas being fed, but only one came for the milkfish. When Stefan walked passed us, we wanted our photo taken with him but he walked too fast!

Congratulations on the baby boy, Mands and Weng!

Actually, Charline did this trick where she guessed the genders of our baby by using her keys. She guessed that Mands and Weng will have four children, she got the first one right - baby boy. Then it was our turn. We're going to have only 2 children (which made me a bit sad because I wanted many kids haha!). And her guess for our first born was correct (will talk about it in a separate post..are you getting excited? haha!).

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