We played a bunch of games. First game was Pinoy Henyo – baby shower edition. Surprisingly both Joema and I guessed the words assigned to us in the shortest possible time. His word was hospital while mine was Bambini. I think Jose took the longest time to guess his word. His word was “Daddy”. So funny because he actually guessed “Dad” but didn’t continue guessing along that line. Tsk!
Here’s Joema guessing his word. He didn't have a hard time. I think it only took him 10 seconds to guess.

The second game was prepared by Jose. Since all of us, except him, were married couples, he made us play a memory game consisting of things found in the kitchen.
Here are the itmes. How many can you remember?
Tackling the challenge ahead. What do you call this thingy? It was actually hard! I think we only remembered 11 things while Janice and Al had 15 items on their list, which made them the winners.
The last game was a breeze for me – thanks to TMZ haha! We were given baby names and then the celebrity moms and dads and we had to match the parents to their kids. I had a hard time finding the match for Reese Witherspoon’s son – Deacon, Julia Robert’s son – Phinnaeus Walter, and Michael J. Fox’s kid, Aquinnah. But we won nevertheless! It was just a matter of elimination, I remembered that Reese’s daughter was named Ava so definitely Aquinnah was not hers, and that Julia Robert’s kids were named a little uncommon.
I love this shot because it actually focused on my tummy instead of the game haha! Those papers on the floor are the names that we need to match with each other.Then came the gift giving. Joema and I are overwhelmed with all their gifts for our little baby girl. And finally she has clothes to wear when she comes out haha! We also received some toys, a book, and some more baby stuff.
They also gave us a diaper cake, where most of the things included are to-bring-to-the-hospital-on-d-day. Funny coz they included Cheetos and a bar of chocolate. Janice said she immediately wanted to eat junk food after giving birth haha!
Thank you guys so much for the wonderful shower and your generous gifts! Here’s our annual Christmas photo.

Merry Christmas Chris! Good health for you and your baby :)
Merry Christmas Ana! Thank you!
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