Anyways, I was able to ask our OB a few questions regarding the discussions we had in birthing class like doing the enema and shaving. She explained a lot of things to us. She said we can discuss our birthplan in detail on our next visit. Although she warned us there are things that she need to approve. I think she really doesn’t believe in the “no-to-epidural” birth. She believes in maintaining her patient’s comfort so that when it’s time to push the baby, mommy’s not too stressed and will be able to do so. Discussing this with her made me at ease. Believe me, I’m attending the birthing class but I don’t think I want to go through the no-meds way. She also told us that our birthplan will also be provided to the residents and she will give them strict instructions to follow it to the letter. She discouraged us to immediately check into the birthing room of the hospital and advised us to indicate in the birthplan to just transfer me to the birthing room when I’m nearing delivering the baby. She said, the birthing room costs a bit and this way, we don’t have to pay too much. Oh how I love our OB. I’m really not afraid to go into labor anymore knowing that she’s there for us. Although, I still pray Bambini will come out when she’s already full term and I’ll have an easy labor. I always talk to her and tell her to make it easy for mommy.
Our little girl’s almost 3lbs already. In 7 to 10 weeks, we’ll be finally able to see her!!! I believe my tummy’s grown bigger, a lot bigger than before. It’s like I ate a basketball, no , a beach ball because it’s really much bigger than that. And Bambini’s movements have changed too. If before I feel her thumping inside my tummy, now I feel her stretching and pushing her way inside my tummy. Sometimes, it’s like she’s trying to find a perfect position for her inside there.
We still haven’t bought anything for her (aside from her music CDs and a baby book). Although because of the baby shower, she has a few clothes and some cute baby stuff. A friend already gave me some of her hand-me-downs. So that’s basically it.
Here’s a photo of me 28 weeks and 1 day pregnant. We shot a music video for our Christmas party – theme is rock! Rock on, preggy ladies!

1 comment:
astig ng picture! preggy mommas rock! hahahaa \m/ - yza
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