I only recently got our pictures so this is a bit late.
My friends from the division celebrated the culmination of our Kris Kringle with a Christmas Party. We actually also did this last year but I wasn’t able to blog about it. Our code names last year were bold stars, this year were flowers - we're flower puff girls hehe. So anyways, there were only a bunch of us but we had so much fun! Can you believe the party program only consists of eating, a game and then exchange gift but we were all very happy in the end.
Photo-op before we ate dinner. We were waiting for people to arrive so that we can start.

We had just one game which was charades. Every item was Christmas related. So I can't remember what A was acting out on this one hahaha.

We were all excited to get our gifts so after just a game, we exchanged gifts already. Here I am with my mommy, M. My codename by the way was Bougainvillea haha. No, I didn't choose that. What we did was draw lots on our codenames first. And draw again who are babies are. My baby was Champaca but she didn't come to the party.

Look how happy I was with her gifts, she gave me two items from my wishlist.

While others were duped haha. Here's M being punked by J. M wanted foundation from The Body Shop but when she opened here gift she got Mena hehehe. But of course she got the real think in the end.

We didn't need fatcow hosting to enjoy the party. We just needed good company.

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