Anyhoo, as I’ve said I’ve been using iPhone’s book reader to read as much books as possible. It’shard to lug around a book with a toddler in tow. With my iPhone, I can read a book wherever I go (even while nursing my toddler to sleep because it’s very handy. She usually asks me to stop holding a book when she nurses from me hehe .Although I sometimes find myself being told by Miya, “Mommy stop na yan. Patay na.”And then taking the phone from me and turning it off herself. Or sometimes she will say, “Mommy ba-yow (borrow)” and proceed with playing with her apps (will post about the apps I downloaded for her in a separate post).
I’m now on my 6th book for the year, after SteveJobs I’ve read Perks of Being a Wallflower and started re-reading all the HarryPotter Books. I’m now on book 5, HarryPotter and the Order of the Phoenix.
I’ve finished Book 4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire just this Monday. And I can’t believe I don’t remember it to be that good! AlthoughI remember it being the book with the Quidditch World Cup and Triwizard Tournament. But aside from that, I don’t remember that much from it. I don’teven remember that Mad-Eye Moody was not the real Mad-Eye Moody! As of the four books I’ve re-read, I think Book 4 was the best book! It was an amazing book! I’ve laughed and cried while reading the book. The book was so engaging, I had a hard time putting it down. Page after page, I found myself getting excited to read what will happen next, as if I’m reading it for the very first time. I’m now excited to finish the whole series!
I will make a mental note to re-read the entire Harry Potter Series! Love that you're a bookworm too! :-)
Cris, please teach me how to use the iBook app! I can't download books :( I can only see the free classic ones :( I am so dumb :(
I download books from Tuebl.com directly in my iPhone. Most of their books are recent ones. After you download the book, don't forget to click the button "Open in iBook" or something. Kasi kung hindi, hindi sya mapupunta sa app. Hope this helps!
Aimee, the next series on my to-read list is Game of Thrones :) Although I also want to re-read Hunger Games Book 2 before the movie is shown hehe
Wee! Thanks Cris! I hope I'll be able to make it right :)
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