Joema’s birthday this year fell on a Thursday. We both went on leave to
celebrate his birthday at home. But the Saturday before that, I helped Miya
make a birthday card for Daddy. But I forgot to tell her that we weren’t
supposed to give it yet. So when her dad arrived from work on that Saturday
night she went up to me excitedly and whispered, “Mommy, where’s our surprise
for Daddy? I want to give it to him.” Hahaha! Sablay!
The balloons read "Daddy" which Miya wrote and then she signed it also with her name. This blurry photo is brought to you by my iPhone 5 hahaha! |
My inlaws went to our house on Joema’s actual birthday and we celebrated
with cake and chicken.
The next day we left for Puerto Galera with our friends.
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