1. Our Lady of the Abandoned Parish, San Roque, Marikina - the first church we go to is usually where we recite the Stations of the Cross. A little trivia, every year that we do our Visita Iglesia (we only started a few years back) we always ALWAYS had to buy prayer books for the Stations of the Cross. This year was no different. My mother was able to keep two booklets from previous years but she still had to buy another one so that each one of us have one each (my brother didn't come this year). This church is where Penny and Pao are getting married next year. :D
2. St. Paul, SSS Village, Marikina - there was a retreat when we got there so we just got seated on one of the pews at the back. The priest was talking about Spe Salvi, the book that was released by Vatican. We didn't stay that long so I didn't get to listen more about the book. Anyways, we were already in the car when I noticed that I didn't have my phone. Shucks! I left it in my seat. Dang! Was so preoccupied taking photos (with my phone) I forgot it na pala.
3. Immaculate Conception Parish, Concepcion, Marikina - we were delighted to see that the front doors of the church were open. We usually get inside the church by the side door. Since, we really don't go here to hear mass we were also surprised that they changed their altar. From the previous simple crucifix, their altar is now gold with an image of the Lady.

4. Holy Sacrifice Parish, UP Diliman, Quezon City - the last four churches we visited were basically the same churches Joema and I went to when we were looking for the church for our wedding. I really love how airy this church is. It was so hot last Thursday but once inside this chapel I felt the coolness of the air. I was getting hungry by the time we stopped by UP Chapel so after our prayers inside the church, we bought lumpiang togi (one of my favorite meriendas in UP) outside. The price of the lumpia went up from P10 to P12 and I think it was smaller than what I usually bought.
5. Sta. Maria della Strada, Katipunan Ave., Quezon City - I don't really go to church here at della Strada but it's not my first time either but I only realized now that it was a big church. Anyways, I especially liked their ceiling. Does it seem that I went around these churches for aesthetic reasons? haha Hindi naman. Maybe it's just the bride in me. Preparing for a wedding and looking for THE church really lets you take a different perspective in the churches that you go to. Suddenly you happen to notice the pews, the altar, the ceiling, the door, the aisle haha.

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