Thursday, May 27, 2010
NBA Playoffs 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Night Swimming
I jumped in before the hubby...I was that excited!
He enjoyed swimming just like me.
I was having cramps here, but I can still smile for the camera. :)
How are you enduring the heat this summer?
Monday, May 24, 2010
6 Kids and a Puppy
Here's my soon-to-be goddaughter, Sam. She loves eating. Her "figure" doesn't show it but her past time is eating hahaha. Doesn't she look like a real princess?

And she also loves taking a bath.

And then there are brothers…this is Gab...

and his brothers, Renz and Ely.

Here are the brothers with Kyla, the elder sister of my Sam.

Here's David who is actually Joema's grandson already, he's only a few months old.

By Saturday night we went home to my parent's house and spent the entire Sunday there. They didn't have babies/kids there but they have their own baby – Queenie. Queenie's been at my parent's house since January of this year. Unlike Sam, she doesn't really like taking a bath hehe.

Here she is after being blow dried.

Well, hello there..show us your cute face!

The heat's been insane but with these cuties around, it was bearable.
This coming weekend we'll probably stay at home to watch the Istanbul GP. Time to see those F1 cars again. Here's a trivia: ever wonder why F1 cars don't have projector headlights? Well, F1 cars don't have headlights, even when they do the Singapore night race, simply because the headlights will add weight to the car; thus, it's not an option due to the aerodynamic design of the car.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Ikaw Ba'y Nalolongkot?
Jejemon anyone? We tried practicing our jejemon skills by reading the messages.
And why are people hooking up like this?
Eto mapili...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
First Loser

(Photo by Mark Thompson/Getty Images) / Caption from here.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Summer Weekend at Sofitel

Ukay Manila's Summer Giveaway
If I win this dress, I'm going to wear it to my friend's wedding this coming June. *fingers crossed* And I'm sure I'll be glowing because I would have used the facial mask by then heehee.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Anyways, Monaco GP is just a sight to behold. All those wealthy people and celebrities, this year included Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony, which might probably also include CEO/President of some business phone systems company or of other companies. Aside from this, because of the race being on actual streets with tight corners and narrow tracks, the race is always accident prone. As I've mentioned the SC was deployed 4 times - Hulkenberg's accident, Barichello's incident, a loose drain cover on the street, and Trulli and Chandok's accident. The last SC deployment brought all cars to the checkered flag, although Schumi was still able to nick 6th place from Alonzo. After 6 races, Vettel is now leading in the drivers championship although techinically Webber is the first because of his two wins.
Bahrain GP - P1 qualifying, 4th place race day
Australian GP - P1 qualifying, DNF race day
Malaysian GP - P3 qualifying, 1st place race day
Chinese GP - P1 qualifying, 6th place race day
Spanish GP - P2 qualifying, 3rd place race day
Monaco GP - P3 qualifying, 2nd place race day
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Beautiful May Wedding
Allan was fighting back tears waiting for his bride.
I was teary-eyed when I saw Charline in tears ...and she said she wouldn't cry on her wedding!
Another emotional part during the ceremony was the appreciation of the parents where Charline can't help but cry again.
The two exchanged beautiful wedding vows. I remember Charline saying "When you asked me to marry you I said yes not because of the grand gesture but because of the little things you did." And I must say I was impressed because they memorized their wedding vows haha!
Their first kiss as husband and wife.
Shower of rose petals for the newly weds!
Their first dance was awesome..it first started slow and they danced to Chris Brown's Forever.
The wedding had beautiful details as well...church, reception, cake, souvenirs (which is a little post-it pad in a blue holder and a pen, must try to search marketing sites for this - I really liked it!)...
..and the intricately gorgeous wedding gown!
Well of course, the wedding wouldn't be complete without the beautiful guests hahaha!
Hubby's Birthday

I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
I could be the (wo)man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Full-Packed Friday
It wasn't just me who had an appointment with Kuya Ogie, Joy had her warts removed and then her mom had diamond peeling. After the visit to the derma, we were all feeling beautiful again. Joy had to bring her mom home first because we were going to watch Iron Man 2 that night. Well actually we just brought her mom to the shuttle service that will bring her home. And then we picked up Mek in Magallanes. By the time we were at Glorietta, Kyla was already starving and Joy had to have her coffee so we had a light snack at Starbucks. We were actually in Greenbelt around 5pm to buy the tickets but the only available screening that night was 12:30am. Good thing the 9:30pm screening at G4 was still available. After our snacks, we went to Teenzone because Joy wanted to buy something for Miguel. While going around, we found these cute tees. And Joy and I each got one Little Miss Fighting Maroon.

Photo from here
Kyla asked one for her too so Joy got one for her school as well. Mek got inggit so he got himself a shirt too with this print.
Unfortunately the only other shirt that's left is the one on display. I didn't want to get that for Joema because I thought the print looked a little faded already. Although Joy told me to buy it anyway because Joema will surely be envious. True enough when we showed him our shirts he was asking if I bought him one. So sorry, maybe next time.
We had dinner after our little shopping spree. Joema arrived just in time for dinner at -- wait for it -- T.G.I. Friday's haha! And then it was time for Iron Man 2. The cinema was jampacked! We were seated at rows 3 and four at the left most corner of the cinema. We were straining our neck to get a good look. Fortunately, the movie was so good our location inside the moviehouse didn't really bother us. Maybe, we should just watch it again.

Kasalang Mayo Uno

And the radiant bride in white.

This is during the wedding rites when the priest was blessing the rings and the arrhae.

Presenting the new Mr. and Mrs.

The reception followed at Ilustrado. The program was customarily the same with the couple's first dance and toast. Followed by picture taking with the couple and dinner. After that, the program resumed with a few of song numbers from the newly-weds dearest family members and friends. Then speech time, both of Mands' parents gave a speech. Here's his mom.

By the way, our friend Jose who's also a groomsman did a very good job hosting the event (No expensive or cheap hosting could beat a good friend doing the job). Oh, Joema and I were also participants in the couples game. Instead of the traditional bouquet and garter toss, the newly weds opted to have a game for married couples. The ladies are blindfolded and we are to kiss our mate for 20 seconds and the gentleman with the most number of kissmarks win. And we won ahahaha!
Mands speech was so heartwarming. He said if there's a happiest man alive at the moment he claims to be that man because it's the day he married Weng. Aaawww!

Congratulations, Mands and Weng!!!! We're so so so happy for you!!!

A Love Letter to the Father of My Children
Dear Honey, Yesterday was Father's Day but I don't think any celebration is enough to celebrate how good a father you are to our k...

As mentioned in my earlier post, we wanted to go to Carter’s to buy clothes for our baby girl. But instead of going there with Joema, I went...
In my last post, I've mentioned that we don't have an OB yet and that we were scheduled to visit one. So yesterday morning, Saturday...
Finally, after four races Ferrari garnered three points via Kimi Raikkonen's 6th place in the Bahrain Grand Prix. Too bad, Massa still h...