As I’ve blogged previously, we’ve been preparing to ready our condo for Joema’s transfer. Since we're in a hurry, one early evening

Now on the other hand, Ace Hardware in SM Megamall (and other branches I believe) is heaven. You can ask anything and they can answer you. Joema and I went there to buy the bathroom fixures, our light fixtures, even the exhaust fan that needs to be installed in our bathroom. See the architect from the condo told us what we need to buy for the installation. When we went to Ace, we didn’t know that there were exhaust fans for ceiling and wall installations – and they are two different things. Joema and I were insisting that we should buy the one for the wall because that has the flaps at the back (we remember distinctly that the architect told us to buy the ones with the flaps). But the very good attendant at Ace told us to buy the one for the ceiling and explained to us why. So helpful and so knowledgeable on what he’s doing! I can almost hear the angels singing hahaha!

When we went to buy our lights, the guy there was extremely helpful as well. He had to assemble four light fixtures but we didn’t hear any complaint from him. This is why when we went to Antipolo city hall to apply for our marriage license, Joema was joking that there should be someone from Ace hardware there to answer our questions hehehe.
You light up my life :)
Eagerly assembling the light fixture