This yearly tradition has been a fairly new one in our family. I think we've been doing this only for a couple of years maybe for the last 5 years or so.
For this year, we started with San Roque Parish in Mandaluyong. It's our first time to visit this church and as they say you can pray for a wish when it's your first time to visit a church. Unfortunately, I forgot to pray for my wish so I prayed for it on the next church we went to instead.

Then we went to Nuestra Senora de Gracia in Makati where I prayed for my wish hehe.
While going there my mother suggested that after our Visita Iglesia we should visit her officemate's husband who's confined in the National Kidney Institute in QC. So from Makati we headed off to Quezon City so our next stop was the EDSA Shrine.
From there we went to Christ the King Parish in Acropolis. This is also the first time I went to this church, so I prayed for another wish.
This is where we had a snack break because it was around 11:30am by the time we were there. We ate fishballs and bought some buko juice to quench our thirst. It was so hot that morning!

After refreshing we headed off to our next church. I told them we can go to the chapel inside Eastwood City, which I thought was the Padre Pio Chapel. Well, I thought wrong because apparently Padre Pio Chapel was outside Eastwood. Fortunately, there is a chapel inside Eastwood named Holy Family Chapel. I saw Juris of MYMP inside the chapel but my brother didn't see her so no one can attest I saw her so I'm not even sure if it was really her that I saw. Anyways, this is again a first for me so I prayed for another wish.
The next church we went to was at Industrial Valley in Marikina, the Nativity of our Lady Parish. I prayed for another wish here. Wow, that's a total of four new churches for me. But ti think by this time I lumped my wishes together hehehe. Here's my brother wearing the color of Lent.
Since this last parishwas very near Sta. Clara, we went there afterwards. As usual there were a lot of people in Sta. Clara. This is at the back of the chapel where the nuns of the monastery stay during the mass. They cannot associate with people outside of the monastery.
After 7 churches, we still went to the UP Chapel.
We wanted to buy something for my mom's officemate when we visit the hospital so after saying a little prayer at the chapel we went to the stalls outside and bought fruits for my mother's officemate.
We were all exhausted (due to the heat) after these so we went home first and then picked up my husband from work. We went to San Jose on Thursday and went back to Manila on Good Friday. My Tita who lives in Pampanga even invited us to watch the people who are being crucified. Did you know that some of these people intentionally wound their backs with sharp objects, maybe
saw blades, so that they start bleeding before the procession to "Calvary"? Have you seen something like this in person? I've only seen this on TV and in the movies.