Thursday, March 14, 2013

Habemus Papam Franciscum*

I’ve been monitoring the conclave since Tuesday. I was not glued on the TV since I can’t afford to lose sleep so I monitored via CNN mobile app and Twitter. When I woke up yesterday, CNN said that it was a black smoke (that is, no Pope yet). For the first day of conclave, the cardinals will only vote once. And then I checked the local time in Vatican, I think it was 2am there so I knew I can spend the whole day not checking if the chimney will release black or white smoke. And then in the afternoon before I went to mass, I saw some tweets saying there will definitely be a smoke around 6pm (this is the first voting for the 2nd day of conclave).  For the second day of the conclave, the cardinals will vote twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. So yes, I attended mass and then had to do the groceries before going home. When we got home, CNN wasn’t doing their live coverage in Vatican, it was the nightly news with Kristie Liu-Stout. And then I slept. But again the first thing I did when I woke up was check Twitter on any news on the Pope. White smoke! This was around 6:30am earlier, and CNN’s tweet was around 5:30am. So I had to turn on the TV just to watch the replay. I knew CNN will show the announcement of the new Pope over and over again in their different shows in the morning. And I was right. Nakakakilabot when they announced, “Habemus Papam” and then the people cheered.
Franch Cardinal announcing "Habemus Papam" - "We have a Pope"
And then Pope Francis went out of the balcony. The first time I saw him on TV, I had tears in my eyes. I think he gave off the same aura as Pope John Paul II, very likeable, gave off a warm welcome. Before he gave the faithful his blessing, he asked the faithful to bless him first. Such a humble man.
*This was the first tweet from the new Pope's Twitter account @pontifex - We have Pope Francis!

Photos from

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Books I've Been Reading

I think I’ve been reading as much as I want since the start of the year.  I have posted some book reviews here before but ever since I gave birth, it’s hard to find time to read(excuses, excuses). But since I got my iPhone 5, reading has been so much easier. To commemorate my purchase of my Apple product, I read Steve Jobs’biography. Now I understand the “cult” following of Apple products. I think I also want more, if only I could afford more hehe.

 Anyhoo, as I’ve said I’ve been using iPhone’s book reader to read as much books as possible. It’shard to lug around a book with a toddler in tow. With my iPhone, I can read a book wherever I go (even while nursing my toddler to sleep because it’s very handy. She usually asks me to stop holding a book when she nurses from me hehe .Although I sometimes find myself being told by Miya, “Mommy stop na yan. Patay na.”And then taking the phone from me and turning it off herself. Or sometimes she will say, “Mommy ba-yow (borrow)” and proceed with playing with her apps (will post about the apps I downloaded for her in a separate post).

I’m now on my 6th book for the year, after SteveJobs I’ve read Perks of Being a Wallflower and started re-reading all the HarryPotter Books. I’m now  on book 5, HarryPotter and the Order of the Phoenix.

I’ve finished Book 4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire just this Monday. And I can’t believe I don’t remember it to be that good! AlthoughI remember it being the book with the Quidditch World Cup and Triwizard Tournament. But aside from that, I don’t remember that much from it. I don’teven remember that Mad-Eye Moody was not the real Mad-Eye Moody! As of the four books I’ve re-read, I think Book 4 was the best book! It was an amazing book! I’ve laughed and cried while reading the book. The book was so engaging, I had a hard time putting it down. Page after page, I found myself getting excited to read what will happen next, as if I’m reading it for the very first time. I’m now excited to finish the whole series! 

Friday, March 01, 2013

Miya's First Haircut

I've only been cutting Miya's bangs ever since. But her hair has been long enough to warrant a proper haircut. No, I still didn't bring her to a cutting place, I did it by myself with our yaya keeping her distracted. So if you've noticed her hair length changing from this to this then that's thanks to me haha! I wanted to cut her hair after her photoshoot but we waited for hubby to see the final photos first. I finally did it on my birthday (I know that's over a month delayed already but for the purposes of documenting everything here in my blog, I'm doing this. Without further ado, here are her first photos after mommy's haircut.

Miya Daldal Last Night

Last night after her Daddy turned off the lights and she was nursing, she told him "Kiss, kiss." So Daddy willingly obliged. After her Dad kissed her, she said "Babu (I love you)!" My heart melted. She then asked me to kiss her Daddy, "Mommy kiss Daddy" and my hubby and I kissed goodnight.

On a slightly different note, sharing with you her first official photo ID (aside from her passport).

A Love Letter to the Father of My Children

Dear Honey, Yesterday was Father's Day but I don't think any celebration is enough to celebrate how good a father you are to our k...