Zaoshang hao. Zhu ni Shengri Kuaile! Wo ai ni! Wo de mingzi jiao Pan Lici. Jintian de gong ke shi shenme? Wo you wenti. Ni you bima? Ni pa wo ma? Pao quo lai. Tai hao le. Ta shi nide hao pengyou ma? Hahaha Okay scratch those things I said after I told you my name. I just want to show you what I learned in my Mandarin class. See, I enrolled just for you. So that you don't have to force yourself to speak in English. =P I want to greet you a very happy birthday! And I want to tell you that I still love you even if you're with that-girl-who-shall-not-be-named. I'm still here for you. And I hope you break up with her soonest. bwahahaha *evil laugh* Here's wishing you good health and a more successful career. Hope to see your Silence series soon.
<3 you,
Pan Lici
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