I've been feeling Bambini now everyday. Sometimes he/she wakes me up with all that moving inside my tummy. The husband felt Bambini for the first time on Saturday. I told him the baby was moving a lot and he didn't want to believe me. When I asked him to place his hand on my tummy, he was a bit impatient waiting for the movement. And then we tried again. I told him he wouldn't feel a "kick" instead it will feel like someone touched your palm very softly. Good thing when we tried again, Bambini let out a big nudge. Joema exclaimed "Ayun!" with his eyes bigger with excitement. We've also been talking to Bambini as often as possible but mostly when we wake up and then before going to bed. I was joking Joema that Bambini will only recognize his voice because when he greets the baby in the morning with "Good morning", it's usually his bedroom voice just when he woke up.
My colleagues have been extremely wonderful. They have offered to bring documents to other departments that I have to bring so that I can minimize my walking. Even my expat boss went to my cubicle and asked me how I was doing. I was so touched!
For the past week, it seemed like my tummy suddenly grew big. I now definitely look pregnant. The guards at our building no longer remind me to go throughthe x-ray machine (or was that supposed to be the metal detector - I'm not sure what it's called...basta that thing you go through to check if you have metals just like the ones in the airport).
I'm 19 weeks and 5 days along in my pregnancy when the photo above was taken. I hate it that the photo doesn't show how big I am now. I have another photo with my big belly but I look crappy so I changed my mind on posting it here (I actually edited this post to delete that photo heehee). Don't worry I'll try to make up for it in the coming weeks. I'm actually waiting for a friend to upload some photos in FB so that I can show you a more pregnant me.
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