We had a few games. The first is guessing how big Janice's tummy is. Here's me telling them what the game is all about. I'm the self-proclaimed host with Jose as my co-host ahahaha!
Here's everyone else trying to measure their waist and adding a few inches there. Mands won the game by the way.
And then for the next game, they were divided into two groups where they chose their "baby" and had to dress him/her in diapers using toilet paper. My husband was the baby boy ahahaha! But the girls won this.
We also had a game for the boys only with the soon-to-be-dad Al of course. They had to finish up a bottle of beer but the beer inside a feeding bottle. Mands won this game again! He was racking in the prizes!
For the ladies game, they had to taste baby food and then guess the right flavor. Weng won this game. She guessed every single flavor. She and Mands were on fire that night. It's like they are the only two people who won!
Of course, what's a baby shower without the gift giving. Joema and I gave the baby some onesies and these cute shoe-socks from Funky Feet. Got a lot of gift ideas for babies from Laz's blog, Anna's cutie son, by the way.
The night wouldn't be complete without the food and more fun - Rock Band and Taboo!
The next day before we left, we had our photos taken with the Cory Aquino painting hanging in one of the rooms hehehe